Dictionary Attack is a method hackers adopt in password cracking. It is used to hack and gain access into ftp servers ( see the different methods of password cracking ). FTP server stands for file transfer protocol. It is used to gain access into a website's database in order to do things like changing the database, editing the database or deleting a whole website's database. Tools like Brutus(recommended for windows), Cain and Abel, John the Ripper, THC Hydra, Solarwinds and other tools is used by hackers for this purpose. In this case, I will use Brutus. (you can download brutus for windows here ) FTP address is similar to website address, only that it uses ftp:// instead of http://. STEPS IN DICTIONARY ATTACK 1. Choosing your target: the first step is to find the IP Address of the website you want to attack ( you can find it here ). 2. Go to ftp://IPAddress, you will get a ...